Sunday, November 18, 2007

Twas the Night Before...

Ann came over to do laundry and we agreed that we would get the taxi for 10:15 so we could have plenty of time to catch our 1:00pm flight. However, Ann realized that our flight is actually at 11:45am.  Oops! At least we caught it the night before and we didn't miss our flight.

Just about finished packing and now I just have to figure out what carry-ons to take and what kind of books and magazines I want to read.  

As you can also see, I did find time to put up my Christmas tree. Most people would be running last minute errands to get things like books, toiletries and other last minute things. My errand today was to get ornament hooks... Hope you enjoy the tree. Admittedly the picture of the tree is so that I can figure out how to post a picture ;-)


Anonymous said...

Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

I miss you already. Where in the world is Kate Cheeseman???

jenniferpohl1 said...

Wow, putting up the Christmas tree before you go--I can't think of anything more efficient and thoughtful...
I hope you have a wonderful trip--I'm so excited to keep checking in and hearing about your travels!
Have fun and be safe!

Anonymous said...

i can't believe you are off already! have a great time...i can't wait to read all about it!!!

Sue Wohlford said...

Have an awesome time! Relax, enjoy, and drink lots of wine!
Very impressed at the fact your tree is up already - damn you are organized girl!.
I read your bio - no wonder we always get into trouble, we are both Aries!!
Looking forward to your first entry!.

sara said...

I'm glad you have the tree by the window, so that the people at Happy Wash will get a nice view.

don't get sick of wine on this trip..

Anonymous said...

I hope that people at happy wash don't try to steal the tree. :)

Jessica said...

Only you would get a tree put up before a vacation...most of us would be frantically looking for our toiletries! Hope you have a fabulous time and can't wait to hear your stories while sitting in front of your tree sipping wine!