Monday, May 11, 2009


Ann and I are at a hoppin Internet cafe- phone center - day care - pharmacy which is the place to be on a rainy day in Aguas Calientes.

Yesterday we went to Pisac for the big market day. We hired Herman to be our driver and we went everywhere. We stopped for many photo opps. We also stopped at a ceramic school-market where we got to walk around for a bit. THen it was off to the llama and alpaca farm. We got to feed the llamas and alpacas and I didn´t quite understand all of it with my limited grasp of Spanish, but some are better for meat and some for the fur. We then saw how the yarn is made and died and the fabric woven.

From there we kept on our journey to Pisac. We stopped for photos of the condor in the mountain. I will post pics later and you can see if you see it. I get it, but Ann can´t see it.

Can you see it?

Then it was off to the market. It was huge and pretty much the same stuff - blankets, hats, gloves, jewelry, stones, statues of incan warriors, etc. From there we hiked the Pisac ruins. It was harder than I thought it was going to be and there were a lot of resting spots. Herman somehow got in and met up with us and we were climbing to the top to see the temple, burial area, original Pisac, etc. Again, have no idea what I did or said, but he thought I was crippled. All of the sudden, I had to hold his hand the whole time, go slower, etc. I just needed to stop smiling and saying OK


Jessica said...

Did you get some yarn?

Kate C. said...

I didn´t get any yarn because they weren´t selling it. It was hanging there, but no such luck. I wish I liked traditional Andien clothing and accessories more, but I don´t.